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Temperature calibrations:
Stepan 400, probe ID 1111 installed in 2024

Below you will find overview graphs as well as graphs zoomed into specific regions. Please, use zoomed graphs for more accurate calibrations. 

These calibrations were obtained by EK in May of 2024 for after the probe 1111 installed by Bruker in 2024. The original data are from EK453.400.1111.low-temp-calibration/.


Stepan 400/1111: Overview

Black and red points: calibration data
Green line: reference 1:1 line to guide an eye

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Stepan 400/1111: High-temperature branch

Red points: calibration data
Green line: reference 1:1 line to guide an eye

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Stepan 400/1111: High-temperature no-trust region

Do NOT set:  VTU between 330 to 332  corresponding to a "dead region"  of inaccessible T (real) =  329.2 to 332.4 K.
In Centigrade it is VTU 56.8-58.8 corresponding to 56.0 to 59.2 C.

NOTE: the end points of the no-trust region may be used but not values in between!

Red points: calibration data
Green line: reference 1:1 line to guide an eye

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Stepan 400/1111: Moderate region (including no-trust regions and zoomed center)

Black and red points: calibration data
Green line: reference 1:1 line to guide an eye

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Stepan 400/1111:  low-temperature no-trust region

Do NOT set VTU between 278.0 to 280.0: corresponding to a "dead region"  of inaccessible T (real) between 276.2 from 279.6. In Centigrade: VTU= 4.8 to 6.8 corresponding to T(real) of 3.0C to 6.4C
NOTE: the end points of the no-trust region may be used but not values in between!


Black points: calibration data
Red line: reference 1:1 line to guide an eye

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Stepan 400/0557: Low-temperature branch and extrapolation graph

Black points: calibration data
Red line: reference 1:1 line to guide an eye

Full data range graph

NOTE: the lowest point of the range is temperature just above when methanol standard freezes in the probe and can no longer be detected.

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Extrapolation to the ultra-low region

Linear extrapolation to the probe lower limit (-150C)

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